What’s the fun in using a plain old boring tea infuser? If you’re a fan of tea, you’ll love these creative tea infusers!
Statistically speaking, you probably are a tea drinker since tea is the most popular drink in the world (yes, even more than coffee). Most people use tea bags if they want to drink some tea on the run, but if you really want to enjoy the good stuff, then it’s loose leaf or nothing.
#1 Mr. Tea Infuser
#8 Sweet Tea Infuser
#9 Cat Tea Infuser
#10 Tea Sub – Yellow Submarine Tea Infuser
#11 Duckie Tea Infuser
#12 Arta Tea Leaf Infuser
#13 Audrey Tea Infuser
#14 Octopus Tea Infuser
#15 Tea.tanic
#16 Teapot Tea Infuser
#17 Manatea Tea Infuser
#18 Umbrella Tea Infuser
#19 Owl Tea Infuser