25 Husbands Tried To Help Their Wives. They Failed Spectacularly. LOLOL.


Having a spouse should be like having a partner in life. They’re there for you, through sickness and in health. Theoretically, they should make life a little easier for you when you face hardships because they can help you through it…

However, these husbands did the opposite. When their wives needed help, they did their best to assist them. In the end, though, they failed so hard at what they were trying to do it would have been better if they just let their spouses do all of the work. Oops.

(H/T BuzzFeed)

Thanks, guys, for trying… but next time, maybe you should let your significant other handle all of the hard tasks at home (like buying bottled water or getting spaghetti ready to cook). Life can be rough sometimes. The struggle is real.

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