A three-year-old Russian boy is making a big name for himself in the music world after the video below of him drumming with a full orchestra has gone viral. Lyonya Shilovsky from Novosibirsk, Russia first appeared on the Russian talent show Minute of Fame, where he blew everyone away with his amazing drumming abilities.
In the video below, the gifted toddler leads an entire orchestra of musicians who are anywhere from 10 to 20 or more times his age. Lyonya leads a chorus through Jacques Offenbach’s famous piece “Orpheus in the Underworld”, which is commonly known to you and I as the “Can-Can”. Lyonya had almost all of the performance memorized, which is completely amazing for anyone, let alone a three-year-old.
Watch and be amazed as you witness this incredible child prodigy. If you’re amazed by this toddler’s performance, please don’t keep it all to yourself… SHARE this video with your friends!