Even if you’re not young enough to be in school (or happen to be an educator), you’ll most likely still have to work this summer. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it to the absolute fullest, though. The weather should hopefully be beautiful and there will be lots to do.
These awesome tips may help you take your summer of 2014 and turn it all the way up to 11. Don’t just hang out in the back yard… hang out in the back yard while you lounge in a hanging beanbag chair, surrounded by homemade tiki torches. That’s how you do it.

26.) This copper rain shower is decorative, but it can also help you cool off on hot days.
27.) Instead of baking while laying out in a hammock, you can just relax under this classy canopy.
29.) This ultimate beach chair lets you relax, nap, sunbathe, snack and do basically anything you’d ever want while laying out.
30.) This triple hammock will let you hang out with your friends – no more lonesome hammock time.
31.) This “shallow swing disc” lets you rock around… but won’t mess up your hair or make you sweat. Awesome.
32.) Getting some sun can be hot business, but if you don’t have a pool? Buy this adult version of a kiddie pool. It’ll keep you cool without costing a ton of money.
(H/T BuzzFeed)
Don’t let the neighborhood kids have all of the fun this summer. Get out there and use these awesome ideas to make your summer just as fun as theirs. If you love these, share them and spread the happiness!