Have you ever had one of those moments where the most amazing idea just comes to you out of the blue? It’s crazy, right? Call it an exponential download, or whatever you like. Once you have a genius idea, you’re just inspired by your own creativity. Your next thought is, of course: “How come no one’s ever done that before? It’s genius!”
Well, we’ve compiled a list of the best crazy ideas we can find. If you’re looking for that million dollar idea, then you’ve come to the right place:
1.) This. Right here. This!
2.) It’s worth a shot right?
3.) World’s greatest startup idea?! Yes.

4.) I’d actually like to know that.
5.) It’s so simple!
6.) I and millions of other non-savvy car owners would be eternally grateful.
7.) A modern Truman Show.

8.) Genius!
9.) Show your appreciation for art.
10.) They’re being paid with our tax dollars, so why not?
11.) Some good motivation.
13.) I love it.
14.) Empower the passengers.
15.) This might be too idealistic.
16.) Oh boy would I have loved one of those.
17.) Excellent for making late night snacks.
18.) Who wouldn’t love to see that?

19.) All those wasted burritos…
20.) Such an amazing idea.
21.) All those wasted hours.

22.) Oh man, yes yes yes!
23.) All the money that would be saved.
24.) Of course. This is obvious.
25.) I could use one of those.

26.) Helps you cut down on the water bill.
27.) Sounds dangerous.
28.) A little gross, but so is the alternative.
29.) So simply relaxing.
30.) Not to mention it would cut down on skin cancer rates.
31.) I like it.
32.) Best idea ever.
33.) It would totally change the dynamic of Twitter.
34.) I might actually watch the news if they started doing this.
35.) It’s worth a shot.
36.) This could revolutionize everything.
(Via: Imgur, Caveman Circus)
Pure genius! Before you run out and start your new multimillion dollar company, don’t forget to share this story on Facebook by clicking below.