Get ready for a cuteness overload! Since being born in December, twin baby pandas Ouhin and Touhin are growing up so fast!
The adorable pair, who currently reside in Adventure World in Shirahama, Japan’s Wakayama Prefecture, enjoy nothing more than an afternoon of playing with their favorite zookeeper. Each day, the man comes into their enclosure and the babies have the cutest reaction.
These five-month-old pandas spot the zookeeper and joyfully run right to him. They’re a little clumsy, trying to get their footing but that makes them all the more adorable! They play a game of tag, and the tiny pandas try to keep up with him.
Seriously, how can so much cute fit into these teeny-tiny bodies?! From tiny puppies to miniature piglets, there’s just something insanely cute about newborns that can melt even the stoniest heart — and these pandas may be the cutest thing ever!
Can you believe these little nuggets were the size of a stick of butter when they were born, but will likely grow to up to 330 pounds as an adult. The twin panda’s birth was cause for celebration at the zoo because pandas are endangered. Severe threats from humans have left just over 1,800 pandas in the wild!
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