Sometimes dogs have an unfortunate fate that hurts everyone’s heart. There are many stories of dogs being neglected, abandoned and abused by their owners. If you get hurt in a dogfight and thrown out, it’s even more harmful to the animals. Two dogs, Sweet Pea and Dizzy, found themselves in a similar situation but were rescued at the last minute.
Last week, Tara Whitaker, a woman from Philadelphia, looked out the window and saw Sweet and Dizzy lying on the porch – they had obvious signs of injury, and it was clear that they were “bait”. “When I went to work this morning, these dogs were in my yard, they were beaten hard and used as bait, and there was blood. “Broken bones [and] malnutrition,” he said, “it hurts to see these poor animals.”
But he saw them in time and helped the dog get the necessary medical care. But before they were picked up by the Department of Animal Welfare, Tara spent three hours looking after puppies in need. He gave them food and drink and they were clearly thirsty/hungry.
They were then taken to the Rescue Dog Rock in New York, where they are now under medical supervision to recover from all injuries and mental disorders. The center had to work hard to heal their physical and emotional wounds as they were scared because they had bait dogs to rescue them.
Sweet peas and dizziness shed light on a worldwide problem. Dog fights are so harmful to a person that they don’t even imagine, so they should be stopped immediately. People from all over the world can work together to ensure that stories like these about puppies found in Tara’s foyer don’t repeat themselves.
We are happy that Tara and the rescuers came to the rescue of these cute dogs (who are on their way to recovery) and hope they find a place to live forever.