It was a momentous occasion for Taylor Thompson, but her grandmother wouldn’t be there to see it. 70-year-old Sharon Thompson was unable to make her granddaughter’s high school graduation because she was recovering from brain surgery. Additionally, she underwent a bone marrow transplant for leukemia a few months prior to surgery, which made traveling to Taylor’s graduation in Wyoming very difficult.
But Taylor knew it wouldn’t be the same without her grandmother in attendance and since Sharon couldn’t make the trip from Houston to Wyoming, Taylor figured she’d make the trip from Wyoming to Houston. “I’m thrilled,” she said, “I almost started crying on the way over here.” As Sharon sat in her hospital room alone, watching a live feed of the graduation ceremony, the door swings open right as Taylor’s name is called. The ensuing moment is filled with happy tears and jubilee.
Isn’t that the sweetest thing? What a thoughtful, loving granddaughter Taylor is. we love touching moments like this, and we knew we had to share this one with you. Do you have any similar stories of selfless family instances? Chime in down below with your thoughts on the videos and any related anecdotes you want to share. If you liked the video, please share it on Facebook!