Elvis Presley And Frank Sinatra, Singing Together On TV. The Results? AMAZING.


Elvis Presley. Frank Sinatra. Two of the greatest music and pop culture icons to ever exist — together, on screen, doing what they do best.

In 1960, the King of Rock ‘n Roll and Ol’ Blue Eyes appeared on the same TV special, and joined one another in each of their own songs. Elvis sang “Witchcraft” and Sinatra sang “Love Me Tender.” The results? Amazing. If this doesn’t bring you back to the days when music was music, nothing will. Simply the best, and together there’s nothing like them!!

And did you know? “Welcome Home Elvis” was a 1960 television special featuring Elvis Presley in his first televised appearance since coming home from his military service in Germany. The special was officially titled “It’s Nice to Go Traveling,” but is more commonly known as “Welcome Home Elvis” having featured Elvis on his first TV appearance in three years.

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