At the moment, we are all in the same sad position. We wanted to be somewhere else and stuck at home. We remember the little things, from the handshakes of strangers to random visits to the homes of loved ones. We are worried that we or someone we know will become infected. This is a great stressful situation, but we can overcome it together.
From Wellington, Somerset, England, the Taylor family certainly plays a role in sending positive energy. Recently, the family decided to use dozens of colorful chalk to repair their brick house. Six hours later, their house was vibrant and vibrant, and that was all they needed to make their neighbors smile in such a difficult time.

Finlay’s World,Youtube
“We took inspiration from another post we saw on Facebook where they had done half the house, and originally that’s what I was going to do,” said 26-year-old Fern Taylor.
With several dozen bricks to cover, Fern and her partner, Marco DeFazio, along with their two daughters, Arabella and Matilda, got right to work.
Although the plan wasn’t to cover each brick, particularly the ones that were higher towards the roof, DeFazio found a way to make it happen.
“But my partner said we couldn’t stop there and got the ladder out and said he’d do the rest.”

Finlay’s World,Youtube
The end product was awesome, but man, a lot of work!
“We used a giant chalk, and it took six hours. We probably started with about 40 sticks. The girls really liked it. Matilda was two years old, she didn’t understand very well, but she helped a little, ”said Fern. was a good helper. He helped for half an hour, and then they sat down and played, watching their parents finish.
The Taylor family rainbow house and blue doors will stand out from neighboring red brick houses. Many people admired the beauty of a unique home.
You can see the amazing work of the Taylor family below.
Fortunately, during the outbreak there are loved ones and other wonderful people who spread a positive attitude towards the entire community.