Here’s how putting peppermint in your home can rid you of spiders, mice, and other unwanted pests


Peppermint is known for smelling sweet, but it turns out that it can be helpful around the house in many different ways. That’s why we’ve compiled some of the best ways that peppermint can help you in your household.

Nature’s Natural Pest Repellant

Rodents and other creatures like flies and ants can’t stand the smell of peppermint, so having it in your house is sure to keep them at bay. To keep out these pests, add 9 parts water and 1 part essential peppermint oil to a spray bottle, and use when needed.

Keeping Your Pets Flea-Free

Fleas hate peppermint as well. Put some peppermint into a bag or pillow that your pet won’t chew on and leave it next to your bed to keep the pests away.

Keeping You and Your House Healthy

Peppermint has a ton of medicinal benefits, so it can help you with a variety of ailments. For example, if you have an upset stomach, drinking some herbal peppermint tea might help. If your sinuses are clogged up, you can boil water and fresh mint leaves together to help relieve your congestion.

On top of all of that, peppermint will leave your house smelling nice and fresh if you keep it laying around. In the end, there is no limit to the many benefits of peppermint, so you should be sure to keep some around the house whenever possible. It may just end up being the secret that will keep your home and everyone in it happy and healthy!




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