A dog who was abandoned in the Florida Everglades managed to survive on her own and avoid rescue for weeks, but she couldn’t live like this forever.
Run-down and running out of places to hide and things to eat, French Mastiff Daisy wouldn’t have lasted much longer on her own. After the dog was abandoned in the Florida community, a volunteer rescuer named Kelly tried to help capture the homeless animal for MONTHS with no luck. Finally, she had the amazing people from Hope For Paws fly all the way to Florida from Los Angeles. As always, they knew just how to save the terrified dog.
This is one of the most difficult rescues Eldad Hagar and his team at Hope For Paws had ever encountered, not because Daisy was vicious, but because she didn’t want to be rescued in the first place. Poor Daisy must have been severely abused by her former owners and she forgot what it felt like to be loved. She ran and ran until she couldn’t run anymore. Exhausted and dehydrated, Daisy finally fell asleep and was rescued.
After receiving medical attention and cleaned up by veterinarians, Daisy was finally ready to feel love again. Kelly, who had fought for months to save the dog, adopted her as her own and finally showed her what love meant.
I’m so happy Daisy got the happy ending that each and every soul deserves.
Please SHARE this incredible story!!!
For weeks and weeks, Daisy wouldn’t get near humans long enough to allow contact. She thought she deserved being homeless and alone.
But now, Daisy is now so very LOVED!! Can you tell she’s happy? I can’t tell.
Safe and sound. And loving every minute.