The “Tower of Terror” is a popular attraction at Disney World. Its basic concept is that there was once a very successful hotel that, in the midst of its glory days, had something truly tragic happen and now ghosts lurk its halls (plus, dropping its riders from really, really high up).
If that sounded enjoyable to you, you’re in luck! There are real hotels that have similar stories out there. Unlike the fictional hotel in the ride, instead of becoming crumbling shadows of their former selves, these haunted hotels are still taking guests! Check them out!
1.) The Hotel Chelsea in New York City has had some super famous guests, including Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan, but its INfamous for its haunts. Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistol’s girlfriend died here and she is said to appear along with Sid himself, who overdosed on heroin shortly after her death.
2.) One night long ago on the 19th floor of the Lord Baltimore Hotel in Maryland, a young girl committed suicide. She is said to still roam the halls in a cream dress and playing with her red ball. The elevator also mysteriously stops at the 19th floor sometimes, even when nobody pushed the button.

3.) It is said that Marilyn Monroe is still staying in a room at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, 52 years after her death. There is even a suite named after her there you can rent out and presumably hang out with her (probably still beautiful) ghost.
4.) The Seven Sisters Inn in Ocala, FL is haunted by seven spirits. Two of them are the founders of the inn, Emma and Ben Rheinauer. There are also four children ghosts and apparently one ‘flirty’ gentleman from the 1950s making this haunted hotel creepy in a different kind of way.
5.) Also in Florida, the Casa Monica Hotel in Augustine is haunted. A man hung himself in room 511 and ghost children have been heard running through the halls. Some of the staff won’t clean certain suites because of ghostly figures that still occupy them.

6.) Hotel Galvez is the infamous home of their ghost, “The Lovelorn Lady”. A lady checked into the hotel to await her fiancé to return from sea. He never did, for his ship sunk off the coast of Flordia. She hung herself out of grief, but is said to still be waiting for her lover to return to her to this day.
7.) The Stanley Hotel was the inspiration for Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’. Here, ghostly guests are said to hold parties in the ballroom and even steal people’s luggage. I mean it could be ghosts, or, like, they just have one bellhop who doesn’t give a crap his job at all.
8.) Thornewood Castle in Lakewood, Washington is still inhabited by its original owners, Chester and Anna Thorne. The room that is now the bridal suite has Anna’s original bedroom mirror and utterly-creeped-out brides claim to see the lady of the manor’s reflection behind them when peering into it.
I don’t know anyone would stay at a hotel named “Lord Baltimore” anyways. It sounds the place where a creepy, castle vampire baron would live. If you know someone going on vacation and they need a place to stay, give this a share on Facebook.