This Island Was Used For Top Secret Chemical Weapons. I NEVER Expected What’s There Now.


Okunoshima is a small island located in the Inland Sea of Japan that can only be accessed via a ferry from the mainland. Okunoshima played a key role during World War II as a poison gas factory for much of the chemical warfare that was carried out in China.

This is evident today from the empty buildings on the island that used to be the poison gas research and manufacturing facility, as well as a museum that was opened in 1988 in order to alert as many people as possible to the dreadful truths about poison gas.

But what’s so odd about the island today is what’s made its permanent home there.

I like to think that this island is the rabbit owner’s equivalent of a holy pilgrimage. All I know for certain is, I want to visit and be attacked by cuddly awesome bunnies.

I love how something so bad turned into something so sweet. Rabbit Island sure beats Poison Gas Island.




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