Recently, a husband, father, and former youth pastor named Ben Piershale decided to team up with a local grocery store. His mission was to spread selflessness and generosity just in time for the holiday season. Customers at Reasor’s, a grocery store chain in northeastern Oklahoma, had no idea what they were in for when they went to pay for their items…
This video is so amazing because of the genuinely surprised reactions of the unsuspecting customers. My favorite moment came at the very end, when a mother is out shopping with her teenage daughter. She’s ready to pay for a cough/cold medicine when she realizes it’s too expensive on her budget. That’s when a stranger approaches her from behind and tells her not to worry — everything is covered by an “anonymous donor.”
We really don’t know what other people are going through at any given point in time, and it seems many of these customers were in need of a little help that day. Ben hopes his act of kindness will encourage other people to do the same. “There’s nothing quite like loving people,” Ben says.
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