Lonely Stray Puppy Wants a Home So Bad He Follows People Home – Then One Day, Someone Kicked Him


Scribble was found in the streets of Manenberg in South Africa where a large stray dog population who are mostly homeless and roaming the streets. This cute puppy didn’t want to be like other dogs, so he tried every time to catch people’s attention by following them home. He was desperate for a loving and kind person to adopt.

Apparently some people would care less about a sweet puppy fighting to survive in the streets. When Scribble was finally rescued by Sidewalks Specials, they checked him out and found out that his limp was caused by people kicking him. How cruel of them!

Life is finally smiling at Scribble. Hill’s Nutrition and the Expresso Morning Show were touched by his story so he brought him on TV! He was scary of the big lights of the studio, but he enjoyed getting loved by all of these people.

But the best was yet to come.. A family in Johannesburg saw him and just had to have him! So the dog boarded a plane taking him to his forever home. Thanks to the Expresso Morning Show and Hill’s Pet Nutrition for giving him his 15 minutes of fame and Sidewalk Specials for their amazing work in helping this good boy find the life he’s always deserved.



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