Looks Like Your Average Flower Girl, Right? Wrong. This Will Hit You Right In The Heart.


Isabella Luckett is a 4 year-old with cerebral palsy. She can’t stand unaided. Because her legs are underdeveloped, she uses a wheelchair to get around. Her aunt was getting married and wanted Isabella to be the flower girl, but it seemed like would be impossible for her to walk down the aisle.

But then, everything changed.

(H/T Daily Mail)

The Upsee harness was created by a mother who has a son with cerebral palsy. She wanted to help him walk, now she is helping families all over the world.

Bella’s steps are a moment that she nor her parents Gary and Natalie will ever forget. Most of us probably take walking for granted, but for someone with limited mobility, it is a miracle. Share her wonderful moment with others.



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