Man With Devil Horn Tattoos Does A Good Deed


While David Bugarin’s looks may not be for everyone, one thing is for certain: he’s a good man! After watching this short clip you’ll see that Bugarin is the perfect example of the phrase “Don’t judge a book by its cover!”

It all began as he was waiting in line at his local Walmart down in Roswell, NM. He was patiently waiting, getting some odd looks from other patrons due to his multiple face tattoos, when the woman ahead of him was suddenly informed that her card had been declined.

As she went to leave without her items, Bugarin realized he had about $120 sitting in his pocket. He looked at her two small children and his heart immediately went out for her, he realized that sometimes you just need a little bit of help. Without making a big fuss of things

A woman was standing in line at the Walmart in Roswell with two kids by her side when her card was declined. She started to walk off without the items and that is when Bugarin stepped in and handed her the cash. “I’ve been there, I know that situation. I know how it feels and I didn’t want to put her on the spot… I kind of just kind of snuck it to her and I walked away,” he humbly said.

Bugarin did his best to remain anonymous; he didn’t want the woman to pay him back, and he didn’t want to get any media attention for his good deed, but sometimes having devil horns tattooed on your forehead makes you pretty easy to distinguish amongst a group of people!

He believes that if everyone just did little acts of kindness like this, that the world would honestly be a much better place. He spends a lot of his free time supporting his community and talking to children about gang violence, bullying, and even drug use.

It just goes to show that you should never judge someone’s character by how they look on the outside. There are people covered in tattoos that are some of the nicest people you could meet, and people dressed in suits and nice clothes that are just plain mean!

If only everyone was as kind as this man, then the world really would be a better place!

Please SHARE this story if you think random acts of kindness are a great idea!



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