When this crafty mom picked up a bottle of glue and laundry detergent, we had no idea what to expect. When we saw the end result, we were rushing to get supplies!
What a great nostalgia-laden life hack! It seems like nowadays, with all the Xboxes and Playstations these kids obsess over, they’ve long forgotten the simpler things in life. You don’t always need technology to be happy. Sometimes, it’s the basic joys in life that truly brighten our lives. Basic joys like playing with homemade Silly Putty!
Sure, this concoction may be more “slime” than “putty” but the same fun can still be had. Obviously, if your child is on the younger side, you should be sure to supervise them while they play with this homemade slime-putty. If your children are old enough to be trusted not to taste-test anything they play with, feel free to kick back and watch your offspring enjoy their new toy.
What did you think of this handy little video? Do you think you’ll make some of this at home? Why or why not? We want to know how you feel, so please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.