He Puts A Toilet Paper Roll Inside A Metal Can. When You See Why, You’ll Be Shocked.


What an amazing “life hack” this is! And since it’s still cold outside, this easy tutorial is especially helpful.

Here, you’ll learn how to make a DIY Homemade Metal Can Air Heater. As YouTube user DesertSun02 notes, this heater runs on alcohol, so grid power is needed. But in return, you get a simple solution to heated air and cooking with high temps. You can use the heater during SHTF/emergency, camping, hiking, hunting or even everyday use. It’s made with only three items — a metal can, alcohol and toilet paper, and can easily be “converted” into a stove.

Please note: the cans used in the video were: Progresso soup can, quart paint can and gallon paint can. Fuel used: 70% isopropyl alcohol. Cans used to “convert” the heater into a stove: Del Monte spaghetti sauce cans.

I’ve you’ve been looking for a DIY heater — and want to slim down your electricity bill at the same time — this is a perfect video for you!

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