Finn took the cat to a shelter, hoping to find a “sad” home. Two days later, the rescuers came to read a book to the animals. Studies have shown that reading books calms animals down.
The Minnesota Golden Valley Humanitarian Society created the Readers’ Rescue Program to help reduce the fear of animals and encourage children to enjoy reading.

Something special must happen on this day. One of the Saviors that day was a boy also named Finn.
Finn (son) and Finn (cat) immediately found a common language. The cat was very polite, so it was difficult for the boy to read to her.
However, Finn (the boy) could not resist the task and read aloud for an hour.
Whether Finn (the cat) was interested in dinosaurs or not, there was no doubt he was intensely interested in the hugs and pets that Finn (the boy) was giving him. Once they were through with the book, a hug-fest was in effect for the rest of the hour.
The best part is that Finn (the cat) went home with a new family just two days later! But that’s not the end of the story. And neither was Finn the only child reading to the animals that day.

“Research shows reading can have a calming effect on animals,” the Humane Society said. “As a bonus, students gain confidence and improve their reading skills!”
The kids are very special children. They know that reading to the animals at the shelter is beneficial to them and might be the very thing that gets them adopted.

The kids are required to take an orientation class where they learn about the Humane Society and the Rescue Readers Program. Afterwards, they can sign up for one-hour reading sessions at the shelter.

Kids have the option of spending the whole hour with one animal or divide their time so they can visit with several animals.

The Humane Society provides reading books and blankets, but if desired, children can bring special books from home. All readers receive special Recue Readers bookmarks, reading notes and certificates.

Do you know a child who loves animals? If there is no reader rescue program in your area, you can start one yourself. Children spend time with pets and cats to decide if they have been adopted. Share this post with your friends on Facebook. Will you implement the program in your area? I hope so!