If You Told Me What This Guy Does, I’d Never Believe It. But When You See It… WOW. Speechless.


Since 2009, an artist named Joe Mangrum has been creating spectacular works of art in public spaces, delighting all passers by with his beautiful creations. His art is spectacular, but what sets it apart from other street art is its temporary nature and the way he creates it.

He has created over 700 paintings that draw crowds. For each piece, Joe spends about 6-8 hours carefully poring over the canvas… only the canvas is usually the ground itself.

“To date I’ve made over 700 sand paintings in New York City as well as in other cities like Chicago, Miami, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco,San Cristobal de las Casas.  Its a process of pouring colored sand through my hands for 6-8 hours on average.”

To learn more about Joe Mangrum’s amazing sand art, check out the video below. Once you see how he creates these large-scale pieces, you’ll be truly in awe of his talents.

According to a recent interview, Joe sees more in his art than you may think initially:

“Each grain really represents a being or living thing, you know? Metaphorically, then you’ve got billions of living things and they’re all working together to create something beautiful.”

Source: Joe Mangrum

If you’d like to buy a print of one of his works, visit his website. You can also find out more about this artist by visiting his Facebook page. Otherwise, share his stunning talents by clicking the button below.



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