Woman Changed The Lives Of Her Four Biological Siblings After They Were Adopted


There are people who feel like they were born to be parents. Maybe adopt the children your family needs, not your own son or daughter. Some families may adopt one or two children. But this woman from Philadelphia did an amazing thing. she adopted her four siblings and gave them a home.

There are many happy children in orphanages. It is very rare for people who have other siblings to be adopted together in a foster family. But this woman gave these four children a chance.

Bobbi Floyd Adopted Four Biological Sisters And Plans To Adopt Two More!

When Floyds’ husband died in 2014, she began raising her three younger siblings. Then he decided to become a permanent part of their lives. But then She did not understand that there were six brothers and sisters.

In an interview with FOX 29, she said, “I realized they were going to break up and all I had to do was keep the kids together because I knew how hard it was to keep the brothers together. They never realized it was a painting. Then my six-year-old brother was born. I kept them all together.”

6abc Philadelphia,Youtube

And the Floyd family is rarely quiet. One of the children, 10-year-old Serenity Floyd, is very happy that they are finally together. They have been together for a long time, but not officially married. Serenity: “We’re all here, we’re all together now!” Finally, for the first time, they shared the same last name.


Serenity added, “I didn’t want to stay in the system and move to another house, so I asked her, ‘Can I be adopted?’

Then Bobby Floyd came to the rescue. At first she became a foster mother for two children, and then other brothers and sisters began to come. “I knew I had the space and the patience to take them all,” Floyd said.

6abc Philadelphia,Youtube

It never ends, because for so many years it seemed to me that for two years I was raising one and taking one, and then for two years I was raising and taking another. So I still go to kindergarten. ”

In addition to Floyd’s adopted children, she has two children. she said that she really wanted more, but a tragedy happened. “My husband died on October 19, 2014,” she said. She said that since she had a child in her care for many years, she treated them as if they were her own. However, on February 19, the judge finally ruled on the adoption and gave the children names.

Floyd: “It’s amazing that my husband has moved on since 2014, but he still blesses me with Floyds.”

She was blessed, but she was still blessed. Her first dream of having many children came true. These children are very lucky to have such a mother. But it won’t stop anytime soon.

The other two children were not adopted but are expected to join the Floyd family soon.



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