When I first saw this church I was completely stunned. I had never seen anything like it.
I love unique and interesting takes on churches, they have some of the most compelling architecture in the world.
Check out this list of the 16 most breathtaking churches around the globe, and you’ll know exactly what I mean!
The way the sunset radiated through the walls, it was almost as thought the church was entirely see-through!
Though the “Read Between The Lines” church in Belgium is not actually transparent, there’s a reason why it appears that way.
The church is almost magically appearing and disappearing depending on which angle you see it from.
It showcases both its shape and the landscape around it! Incredible.
See how the church was made below and SHARE if you’d love to visit this beautiful place!
When I saw this see-through church, I had no idea what it could possibly be made of, all I knew was that it is beautiful!
The stunning place of prayer was designed by the architect-duo Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, and is located in Belgium.
Depending on where the viewer stands, the church looks completely or partially transparent, or it appears as a massive building.
This is what it looks like from the inside — gorgeous!
Composed of 100 layers of stacked steel, the structure is as equally inspired by the beautiful, natural landscape around it that appears through each opening, as it is the materials it is made of.
Though it may seem flimsy, the church weighs 30 tons!
“In all of our traveling we have NEVER seen anything like this… The church itself is both there and not there at the same time,” one viewer wrote on Trip Advisor.
Although it is located deep in the countryside of Belgium, the church attracts quite the crowd of onlookers due to its unique beauty.
And finally, this is what the structure actually looks like!
See a time-lapse video of the church below!