all know that Parrots Are very Smart Animals Can Wild Prepared a special Puzzle for wild Parrots


We all know that parrots are very intelligent animals. That’s why YouTube user Makaker Muse posted a video on the Internet with a special puzzle for solve it with wild parrots.

If they could solve this problem, they would be rewarded with delicious seeds, with which it would be difficult to stand.

Khokhlaty cockatoo is a bird that lives in grassy areas, shrubs and forests along the water. They grow up to 50 centimeters (6 feet) and weigh up to 975 g. They live in the wild for a maximum of 40 years, and unfortunately they live up to 60 and more years.

The man for the canal prepared a special puzzle to make coconut flakes in the yard.

At the same time he showed a video about how many clever parrots mentioned. Look, like a parrot got tested, and he was rewarded with a delicious dessert.



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