She Cuts The Strawberry — But NOT All The Way. The End Result? AWESOME!


While searching Pinterest for some fun Valentine’s Day treat ideas, I discovered the latest entertaining how-tothat is so easy it only takes six quick steps.

In this video demonstration, you can learn how to turn ordinary strawberries into what looks like a beautiful bouquet of roses. This might be the most decorative way to serve strawberries, and it’s super easy to make these tasty treats.

All you need are some medium-to-large strawberries, a sharp paring knife, and a fork. After you put the strawberry on the fork, you can form the first petal by slicing downwards, using the edge of the knife to fan the cut outward like a petal. Continue those steps three more times around the base of the strawberry. Then, you move into the second row of petals. For the final step, you finish off the rose by slicing the top of the berry.

That’s it! When you’re done cutting all the strawberries, you can use them as drink garnishes or put them on skewers to create a berry bouquet.

Let us know if you make these strawberry roses at home, and please SHARE.




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