Grandpa Terrifies People With Michael Jackson Moves And It’s Hysterical


When it comes to dancing, I can only think of one person who was so good, their moves were sometimes frightening.

If you’ve ever seen Michael Jackson’s iconic “Thriller” video, you might agree with me that there will never, ever be another entertainer who comes close to accomplishing what he did in his all-too-short lifetime. The King of Pop may be gone, but luckily for us, his memory lives on through his music, memories and all the amazing performers who have followed in his footsteps.

The magic of MJ may never be recreated, but it’s pretty awesome to see dancers doing the moonwalk, crotch grab and his signature “points” all these years later. Take a look at this tiny dancer and you’ll know that Michael’s legacy will live on through his moves. In the following video, we see someone else who has really nailed down all of Michael’s dance moves, only instead of simply performing them, he’s cashing in on the prank video craze.  Just like in this video of an old-timer who surprises unsuspecting people on the street with his shocking moves, professional dancer Robert Hoffman  decided to use his perfected Michael Jackson moves to scare the pants off strangers.

I haven’t laughed this hard in a while, especially when he starts dancing for a group of guys in the park around :42!

If you love dancing — and a good prank — you’ll want to go ahead and SHARE this video with all of your Facebook friends, too!



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