Teachers are educators and help develop the thinking and attitudes of children. They act as the second parents of the school. They have a responsibility to teach their students the lessons of life, but they should never be harmed emotionally or physically. School violence should never be justified.
The mother was shocked when her son came home from school with a bright red handprint on his face. Suyu, a middle school teacher, said the boy’s repeated beatings left marks on his face. Xiaochen’s caregiver claimed to have beaten the nicknamed child 12 times.
A high school student was fined for talking to a classmate while doing homework. As a result of the atrocity, the student received a concussion and several ruptures of blood vessels near the eyes; he was hospitalized with injuries.
The Beijing Time newspaper reported that Xiaochen was hospitalized and Suqian was admitted to a Chinese hospital. The red spots on his face are very visible and look like palms extending from his forehead to his mouth. Xiaochen said he also temporarily lost his hearing due to the incident.
According to the Yangtze Evening News, the teacher dragged Xiaocheng from his seat and beat him in front of his classmates. One of the students still remembers what happened: “The teacher lost his temper and hit the girl first before hitting Xiaochen. ”
The family of the victim has already filed a police report against the teacher. The incident was already reported to the city’s Education Ministry and the teacher in question was already dismissed and reportedly deducted his bonus from the previous academic year. The school also agreed to pay for the student’s medical expenses. There are still no reports whether the teacher is facing charges or not.
Daily Mail shared this story and thousands of people were angered by what this educator did. One of the commenters wrote, “No child should ever have to endure this. Especially for an authority figure. Terrible.
” Another commenter stated that he should be banned from getting near any children. Because of what happened to Xiaochen, more and more videos of the same kind of abuse in China are being shared online to spread the awareness of what can possibly happen inside the classroom.
One of the videos that caught the public’s attention where a lady teacher was shouting and slapping a helpless girl. These horrifying realizations started a debate among the commenters. A person noted that this does not really happen in all schools from China and this must have been an isolated issue.
The teacher might have experienced beating from his parents when he was a young child and this reflects his action towards his students. However, other commenters claim that this kind of teacher-student treatment does happen in China because of Communism and this is normal.
No one but these students knows the realities of school life in China. However, no matter how badly they behave at school, they should not be insulted. We must condemn bullying around the world, and teachers must set an example for their students. Educators are in the classroom to teach, not to physically punish other students who do not follow class rules.