Most women know that a good makeup brush can make all the difference in the world when applying your makeup, but those same women also know that a “good” makeup brush doesn’t come cheap, and that each product needs its own specialized brush.
When you add up the costs for your foundation brush, a concealer brush, eyeshadow brushes, and everything else in between, you can wind up with a brush collection whose cost could could rival that of any tool kit you could ever buy.
But what many women don’t realize is that just like taking care of your expensive clothing withlaundry hacks, there is a way to make your expensive brushes last longer too!
Using some warm water, a bowl, some soap, a hanger and a binder clip, you can extend the life of your brushes, get rid of all the germs and bacteria that has built up, and have your brushes working like new in minutes!
Even if you have washed your brushes before, this hanger trick will ensure that the water does not get down into the handle so you won’t have to worry about any bacterial build up in there either!
I will never throw away a dirty “old” brush again!
If you know a makeup lover who would love this trick, please SHARE!