Time capsules are awesome. I’ve always wanted to make one. You can communicate with people in the future (sort-of) by placing a bunch of your old junk in a box and burying it. But what’s even better than making time capsule? Finding one.
An Oklahoma town got the opportunity to do just that when it opened the “Century Chest,” a time capsule that was buried in 1913 with instructions for it not to be opened for a hundred years. This is a pretty awesome look into the past and how people used to live. Check out a some of the stuff the people of 1913 wanted us to see!
Desk telephone, Pioneer Telephone and Telegraph Co.

Of course, people in 1913 had to have their Quality Coffee too.
An Oklahoma State flag.
This is pretty cool – it’s a letter to the people of 2013!
I’ve never heard of anything like this before – this is a letter written in brail from the blind people of 1913 to those of 2013.

Here’s a bible written in the Choctaw language. I doubt you’ve seen one of these before.
Wow, these would be really cool to take a look at – The Constitution, Treaties and Laws of the Chickasaw Nation.
This might be my favorite of the bunch – A Edison Graphophone.
Now…get some random stuff together, it’s about time to make a time capsule!