Paying it forward just came back around full-circle!
“Pay it forward” has become one of my favorite tag lines. Just hearing the words alone, sends thoughts of doing something totally unexpected for someone else – just because you can. That is the definition of selfless and the ultimate example of Jesus’ love for each one of us! And this one young man’s efforts to ‘pay it forward’ came full-circle and blessed someone else who didn’t see it coming.
To fully understand the story, we have to go back a few years to an event that is heartbreaking. This family suffered a terrible loss three years ago…their son. He drowned accidentally in their backyard pond. His name was Richie “Rees” Specht and he was just 22 months old.
His parents, Samantha and Richard Specht were devastated. And during the darkest hour of their lives, the community around them came together. A local nursery even donated their time and supplies to convert the pond in the family’s backyard to a garden. Refusing any compensation.
It was this act that compelled this couple to move past their pain and offer something BACK. This husband and wife began an organization called “ReesSpechtLife” with a very simple mission – to teach others how to “pay to forward.”
But, Samantha and Richard could not have foreseen how this campaign would come back to them – full circle.
Just a few days ago, Richard (a Science teacher at Great Hollow Middle School) received an email along with a photo. The picture was of a receipt plus a note written on the back. As you can see, the bill is only $43.50 but the tip is for $3,000!
And the note on the reverse side said this,
“Thank you for your kindness and humility. My teacher in middle school had such a difficult experience a few years ago which has sparked me to do this. My only requirements are:
1) Go to and learn!
2) Don’t let ‘Pay it forward’ end with you.
3) Since it’s about the idea and not about you, or me, if you decide to share this, don’t use either of our names!
I hope that someday someone gives as much love and happiness into the world as you do.
Much love”
WOW!! Was he really reading this right?? Richard was speechless. He later wrote in his Blog “my mouth sat agape as stared at a picture attached to her reply that showed a restaurant receipt with a $3,000 tip on it… I literally did a double, even triple take.”
“To think that someone I had a decade ago would honor my little boy or even remember his 8th grade science teacher in such a way blows me away. “
Thank you, Samantha and Richard for sharing your story. We are so sorry for your loss and we are so proud of the work you are doing to honor your son. May God continue to bless your work and those who you have touched.
Romans 12:12 teaches us, “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing steadfastly in prayer;”
HT: GodUpdates