Bald Men are More Intelligent, Dominant and Wise, or so the Research Says
For a lot of men, going bald is their worst nightmare. As you slowly witness that once perfect hair line retreat year after year, it can lower your self-esteem and confidence.
However, new research into the perception of male baldness may turn this once thought confidence killer into a new lease of life for men around the world.
Trained social scientist, Albert E. Mannes, from the University of Pennsylvania, organised a study that saw 59 people view pictures of men, with and without hair, give their thoughts.
The study found that participants rated men without hair as more attractive and sexier than their full head of hair counterparts. They also perceived men without hair as wiser, stronger and more dominant. This may be a result of bald men typically being older, therefore viewed as having more life experience.
It is important to note that the research only relates to complete boldness. Men with thinning hair were viewed as weak and less attractive.
What does the Science Say?
Research trends towards increased testosterone levels being the cause of male baldness. However, the amount of testosterone in your blood stream isn’t the determining factor, it’s your genetics. Although research into the exact process is still in its early stages, its believed that certain genes result in hair follicles becoming more sensitive to the testosterone circulating your body. Beard hair follicles are unaffected, which is why they continue to grow.
Male balding seems to be associated with more myths than any other type of condition, maybe due to the seemingly random nature of it. What is the reasoning behind it? Why did males evolve to lose their hair? Maybe we will never solve these mysteries but as the research above suggests, no one really cares and neither should you…..embrace the baldness!
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