There are many reasons a person might abandon their pet, but with so many options out there to do the right thing, there isn’t a single reason that ever makes it OK.
Unfortunately, we see both the good and bad of animal rescue stories here at LittleThings and it always makes me so angry to see people who give up on their pets. Although we can only speculate why someone would ever do this, like a cruel person did to all three of their pet Chihuahuas in this story, we like to share stories like this next one to remind people to always do the right thing.
When a group of people in Tacoma, Washington realized that their neighbor was abusing their dog, they decided to take matters into their own hands and kidnap the dog…only to get in trouble for it later on. Luckily for the dog in the following video, it took a lot less time for neighbors to realize that they were able to help. Casey Boatman was running to shut his windows during a violent and dangerous rain and hail thunderstorm in his Denver, CO neighborhood.
As he peered out a window, he noticed one of his neighbors had abandoned their dog in the storm by tying the helpless animal to a tree. Before Boatman could run out to help another neighbor stepped up to the plate and possible saved the dog’s life.
In the following video, which Boatman posted to YouTube, you can see an act of animal kindness firsthand. Hopefully sharing this will inspire others to help whenever they can!
Please click below to SHARE this video on your Facebook page if you’re an animal lover!