The best part about art is that it challenges our conceptions of reality. These artists decided to blow the minds of passers by with larger-than-life sculptures. Seeing these from afar may not move you…
But when you’re up close and personal with something this big, it’s overwhelming. These are the kinds of sculptures you’d want to see in person.
1.) The World’s Largest Deck Chair: By Stuart Murdoch, this huge chair can be found in Great Britain. It weighs nearly 6 tons.
2.) Giant Light Bulb: By Sarah Olaerts, this is a giant LED lamp that is dimmable and has a remote control.

3.) Step Inside A Creative Mind: By Prodigium, this is supposed to look like the mind of someone wearing giant Ray Bans, found in Croatia.

4.) Giant Comb Bike Rack: By Knowhow Shop LA, this comb bike rack weighs over 400 lbs and is made of Mangaris and powder-coated steel.

5.) Bad Dog: By Richard Jackson, this sculpture is outside of the Orange County Museum of Art. Bad puppy.

6.) Giant Yellow Teddy Bear: By Urs Fischer, this was on display in NYC in 2011. It was made of bronze and stood over 23 feet tall.

7.) Spiral of the Galaxy: By Mark Quinn, this giant conch shell was at Chatsworth House, England as part of the Sotheby’s Beyond Limit’s sculpture exhibition.

8.) Guns: By David Cerny, this Czech artwork was supposed to illustrate the fruitlessness of violence.

9.) Remind: By Vibeke Nørgaard Rønsbo, this giant message in a bottle was part of the “Sculpture by the Sea” exhibition.

10.) Giant R2-D2: By Access Agency, these giant LEGO sculptures brought out the kids in all of us. They also made Darth Vader and The Smurfs.

11.) Planet: By Marc Quinn, this sculpture in Singapore was based off his then 7 month-old son. It weighed 7 tons.

12.) Pentateuque: By Fabien Merelle, this statue was in Hong Kong and was modeled after the artist himself completing an unbelievable task.

13.) Metamorphosis: By David Cerny, this moving sculpture is located in North Carolina and weighs 14 tons.

14.) Marilyn Monroe: By J. Seward Johnson, this 26 foot-tall statue of Marilyn in her iconic pose from Seven Year Itch was originally located in Chicago, but moved to California in 2012.

15.) Big Rig Jig: By Mike Ross, this sculpture stands 50 feet tall and uses two real big rigs, manipulated to do the impossible.

(H/T Hongkiat/Viral Nova)
It’d be difficult to separate what’s real from what isn’t when you’re standing face-to-face with a 25 foot-tall teddy bear. We love this kind of surreal artwork. Share it with others.