It’s hard to understand what kind of monster would ever deliberately hurt an innocent animal, but the sad truth is that it happens way more than we ever hear about.
A baby orangutan is fighting for his life after a truly disgusting act by humans. The tiny angel has only been alive for 10 months, but for his entire life he had been locked in a chicken coop and fed only condensed milk, which left his bones severely malformed.
When rescuers from the East Sussex, U.K.-based International Animal Rescue organization arrived in Borneo, Indonesia they found the baby, now named Budi, on the brink of death.
Rescuer Alan Knight said the tiny ape’s eyes filled with tears when they pulled him from his torture chamber. The innocent baby was in that much agony. “Everyone was distressed beyond words to see how much pain he was in. I don’t know how much longer he could have endured so much suffering,” Knight told Daily Mail.
Now the tiny angel is under the constant care of the British veterinarians, but his future is unclear. Indonesia’s IAR director Karmele Sanchez wrote on their site, “At the moment we are still worried for his life and trying to minimise his pain. But Budi is a very strong little baby and he is fighting very hard to survive.”
To help save this baby orangutan’s life, as well as help IAR treat other animals in need, click here!
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