When She Is Gone, You Will Realize Your Mom Was Your One True Friend


While a lot of people say that as parents we shouldn’t be friends with our children, it is something that happens no matter what. If you have a positive relationship with your mother, she will become your best friend whether it’s when you’re young or years later when you’re finally an adult.

Sure, you might not see it right now and it might not be something you realize within the next few years even but once you lose your mom you will begin to come to terms with how much she truly was your best friend and so much more. The relationship I have with my mom is easily the most important one in my life and that might sound a bit weird to some but if you have a positive connection with your mom, you know exactly what I am talking about.

As I have gotten older we have become closer and closer. The things I used to be afraid to talk to her about are now things we share words over easily. We are both open and honest with one another and really care about each other on a level that no one else could really compare to. I have realized through a lot of thinking that when I was younger I had been a complete trouble maker for her and also have taken the time to apologize for that.

She is the one person I know now that I can call in the middle of the night if I truly need her. She loves me unconditionally and I love her unconditionally. I have kept her up at night without realizing it and she has always worried about me in ways other people never will. My mom is a great best friend and I would not trade her for the world.

You will realize just how important she is when she is finally gone and by that time it will be too late so please do your best to understand the relationship you have with the woman who brought you into this world. She is the person who helped to make you who you are right now, she has cared for you through the ups and downs life has placed before her and even when she was struggling she make time to play with you and do her best to bring a smile to your face.

She was there when you went through breakups, she was there when you fell off your bike, and if you ever needed her for anything she would only be just a call away. She wants the best for you and works hard to see that you even now are able to live a good life. If you are struggling she will always come through the help in any way she can and she deserves some acknowledgment.

Your mother is the one person that should be deemed your best friend above everyone else. She isn’t some bratty girl from down the road or a co-worker who is going to leave you hanging when you need them the most. She is the person who has stood by you when you were treating her badly and made sure you still had all you needed in life. She might not be the same woman she used to be now that you’re older and she’s getting up there in age but she will continue to love you completely until the day she takes her last breath and even into the afterlife.

Source: Awarenessact



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